Everything has been … intense of late? History in the making and uncertain and wild? Inauguration, hooray? Anyway, on top of all that I have a book out and have probably been not the best at promoting it. But it is now a book—printed, with that ink-fresh stink—available for sale online and at bookstores. Hooray! I do love this particular book and I hope it falls into the right hands. It’s official, it exists, thanks everyone who has been a part of the making and who has supported its release. *air kisses to all*
Didja hear? I have a book coming out in two months! If you’re on Goodreads, you can enter a giveaway to get a free copy of my book through December 14. C’mon. What do you have to lose?
This could be you, exquisite and forlorn and reading my book.
New book announcement!
Thrilled (and a little bit terrified, not gonna lie) to announce my new book coming out next year!! It’s called Girl on the Line, it’s the most near and dear thing I’ve ever written, and I can’t wait to share it with the world.
I've got a "new" short story up at Cutbank Literary Magazine
It’s been years since I published my last short story, but here I am again, with another story about mermaids. It is not my first published story about mermaids, and it probably won’t be my last. I have a mermaid tattoo on my leg. I even wrote a song about mermaids and wore a mermaid tail for the video. It has the same name as this short story, “Mermaiding.” Am I repeating myself? The point is, MERMAIDS.
Some backstory on my story: I wrote this a very, very long time ago—probably close to a decade ago, which in internet years, is a lifetime. It was accepted for an anthology I was overjoyed to be a part of, and then my joy deflated over the years as the anthology clearly was never going to happen. I submitted it again all these years later, my little orphan story leftover from my short story writing days, and it found a home at Cutbank Literary Magazine. Cutbank also published a story of mine years ago in a print issue called “The Daughter Resurrected” about a daughter who rose from the dead.
That part of writing where nothing happens
We think of writing as an activity. Any movie or show you see about writers, you’ll inevitably see some scene where the writer is at their keyboard pounding away, flushed-cheeked, glassy-eyed, with a self-satisfied smile dancing on their lips. In reality, though, almost all writing takes place in the space where nothing happens.
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